Our Location
Mailing Address:
100 South Berkey Drive, Chittenango NY 13037
Marina Address:
Oneida Lake Marina, LLC. 3713 NY-31, Canastota, NY 13032
About Us
Welcome to Fishing for a Cure One Cast at a Time. We are a 501(c)(3) organization working with those diagnosed with cancer, and other terminal illnesses, and in all stages of treatment and recovery. Our organization provides guided fishing trips on Oneida Lake at no cost to the participants. These trips are open to anyone, at any age, and with any type of cancer or terminal illnesses. We rely on volunteers, fishing instructors, licensed fishing guides and USCG licensed captains to provide these services.Trips can be scheduled in 2-6 hour durations, and custom designed to meet your needs. First timers, experienced fisherman and kids are all welcome. The only thing you need to provide is a valid NYS fishing license.
Meet Our Founder
An avid outdoorsman whose family has been deeply touched by friends and family members battling cancer, Cory Jenner has served as President of FISHING FOR A CURE….ONE CAST AT A TIME since its inception. Spurred on by those in his life battling cancer, FISHING FOR A CURE….ONE CAST AT A TIME’s program focuses on improving the quality of life for those with, or are recovering, from cancer and other terminal illnesses. Cory works in Syracuse, NY as a Landscape Architect with Appel Osborne Landscape Architecture. Cory is a NYS Licensed Fishing Guide, certified Captain with the USCG, and certified Guide/Captain with the IGFA. In his free time, Cory enjoys hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. When not working or volunteering, Cory spends most of his time at the family camp in the Southern Adirondacks of NY or on his boat in Oneida Lake. Cory lives in Chittenango, NY with his wife Melissa, daughter Emily, son Nicholas, and the families 2 crazy dogs.